Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity. Is there such a thing? Can one choose to be “merely” a Christian? Fact: There are many “Christians” who believe in God, but don’t care to have Him as a big part of their lives. Are “believers” just a chosen title away from “non-believers?”
In Matthew 10:38, Jesus described following Him as “taking up his cross.” Carrying an instrument of torture is not something most people do “merely” as a side job. Would we describe Jesus’ death as “merely” another thing He did? We may agree that it would be ludicrous to describe Jesus’ “Christianity” as anything less that “totally.” But then what does the model say for our own?
Maybe the question of “mere” Christianity does come down to a choice – but not a choice of what name to take, or label to wear or even belief system to adopt, but rather a choice of who we want to actually be. ~Michelle
“There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion …suddenly draw back. Suppose we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that!” CS Lewis
In Matthew 10:38, Jesus described following Him as “taking up his cross.” Carrying an instrument of torture is not something most people do “merely” as a side job. Would we describe Jesus’ death as “merely” another thing He did? We may agree that it would be ludicrous to describe Jesus’ “Christianity” as anything less that “totally.” But then what does the model say for our own?
Maybe the question of “mere” Christianity does come down to a choice – but not a choice of what name to take, or label to wear or even belief system to adopt, but rather a choice of who we want to actually be. ~Michelle
“There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion …suddenly draw back. Suppose we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that!” CS Lewis